
Our welcome to you!

We have waited for a long time to finally arrive at this stage of the business. Thank you all that have supported us through the last 18 months. We are truly blessed to have met some amazing people and to be taken into the arms of a warm, caring community.  If you visit us in the cafe you will be almost embraced in our laughter, fun and good old dancing music (usually disguising our singing hahaha)

Our team of outstanding staff share the passion Peter and I have for delivering beautiful, home made food.  Every single one of the team has the ability to cook pies, cakes, sweets, make coffee and be a fabulous customer host.  We have a small kitchen but still manage to turn out a phenomenal amount of food!  We all have our strengths and work together like a well oiled machine so you can almost guarantee the food, the service and the coffee will be pretty darn good.

Check back here for regular updates of specials, recipes, inserts of my book (just to keep you interested!) and pictures of our fun days with staff.  Our aim is to have fun with food, change things up, enjoy our work, but mostly we love to laugh!

Look forward to seeing you in the cafe and posting any goodies you like here at our online store.

Carley and Peter xxx


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